Medical Protection Society

Leading the way with Storytelling – an organisation wide approach to communication.

“As a result of Sharing the Message my monthly report was much better received, it flowed more naturally and I have buy in from all who attended. The only questions raised were on how the committee could support the hand over actions. This has been a great course and I will continue to use it.”



The Medical Protection Society are the world’s leading member-owned, not-for-profit protection organisation for doctors, dentists and healthcare professionals.

MPS asked us to facilitate how their CEO and senior management team investigated and understood their large-scale modernisation programme. A key outcome of this was the improvements to both content and delivery of their face-to-face communication. This led to MPS engaging us to become part of their leadership in management learning offer.


Each month we work with a group of 8 managers, initially this was in person in a 1-day workshop and now online across 2 half-days. Participants bring a subject for a presentation, report or meeting and using a dozen techniques from storytelling create a spoken piece that has greater clarity and meaning, offers direction or action to its audiences and allows the speaker to be present and confident and therefore more able to respond and connect with their audience.


The popular training is resulting in a positive organisation wide transformation in how managers approach, prepare and give spoken (and written) communication at MPS. The interactive nature of the workshop is allowing colleagues, who may not usually work with each other (especially when groups include participants from international offices) to feedback and edit each other’s work allowing broader input on their thinking and content. Communication has become more purpose driven and therefore efficient, while also being authentic and personal to each speaker, language is clear with the use of the right descriptive language to make meaning vivid and tangible.


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Versus Arthritis.